Section 1
Section one of the mobile module showcases your headshot, name, title, and company info. The contact button is for immediate response from prospects.
Contact Button
When the contact button is tapped, a modal pops up that allows people to:
- Call
- Email
- Add you to their phone contacts
- Get directions to your place of business.
Section 2
Section two lists all your links for prospects to find you and your business online. Add all your socials including:
- Facebook
- Instagram
- TikTok
- Twitter
- LinkedIn
- Youtube
- Google Plus
You can also add your website, a 'leave a review' link and up to 3 misc. links!
QR Code
Your unique QR code is integrated to the bottom so that it can be easily viewed when your networking. *Tip: Add your Online Business Card as a quick link to your phones home screen for easy scanning access.