
Here you can find helpful links to get you started.


Need help writing some of the copy for your Online Business Card? Don't worry, Ai is here to help! Here are some links to Ai services:

Chat GPT

Image Optimization

Are your image files greater than the 2MB maximum? Or maybe their too small and need enlarging? Here are some helpful links:

Reduce Image File Size
Enhance Image Quality

Free Stock Images

Do you need an image for your business section? Photography can be costly and time consuming. Here are some links to FREE professional stock images:

Know your colors

Can't find the perfect color for your Online Business Card using the the color picker? Here are some links to find the exact color HEX numbers you need:

Pick HEX color from image
Detailed HEX color picker & info

How to get "Leave Review" link


1. Go to
2. Search for your business using the "Find" and "Near" boxes on the homepage:
3. Click the name of your business in the results list:
4. Click the "Write a Review" link on the upper right side of the page:
5. Copy the URL from the URL bar of your browser:
6. Your done! Use this direct URL and paste it in your "Leave a Review" button link.


1. Go to
2. Search for your business:
3. Find your business listing and click on "Write a Review".
4. Click the "Write a Review" link on the upper right side of the page:
5. Copy the URL from the URL bar of your browser:
6. Your done! Use this direct URL and paste it in your "Leave a Review" button link.